So uh I hope this post doesn't seem like the most random crap I've decided to post about in the RP so far, but I'd like to point something about Sangue out to spice this thread up [s](with irrelevant shit)[/s]! It's just kind of interesting to me after I looked at it a second time. I'm pretty sure some of you have seen the other character I'm bringing up before. [hider=Sangue and her similarities with another character of mine][img][/img] [img][/img][/hider] Basically, she is very similar to a character of mine called "Apophis," who is technically a part of this roleplay as a fragment of Sangue's mind. He's a villain for another roleplay atm but not the same guy (because time paradox is bad) [hider=A list]1. They have snake-like qualities of their own. Sangue and her fighting style is based around vipers for pinpoint accuracy, and Apophis is based off of the taipan snake species for unpredictability. Sangue is immune to venom, Apophis can shed the skin he's wearing and plaster the skin of recent enemies onto himself for bonus effects. 2. They're both kind of stupid until they do something seriously. The only difference is that Sangue's seriousness is much less lethal than Apophis and comes mostly out of necessity (for now). 3. They're both rushdown fighters. Neither of them are good in battles that stretch out. Apophis is 100000x stronger than Sangue, though, so it doesn't matter as much to him as it does to the glass cannon. 4. Both of them have something called "Apophis." Apophis is just Apophis' name, Apophis Claw is the name of the claw Sangue has.[/hider] I think those 4 things would help clarify some of the influences on the plans I have in mind for Sangue in the future. They're much more different in terms of personality but I think it kind of shows where Sangue got her entire "snake theme" from in terms of her general fighting style when I first made her! Also, Sangue is not that small in the picture, it's just that Apophis is so fucking big i had to shorten his height (he's 225 centimeters in the roleplay he's in atm).