[quote=@Gentlemanvaultboy] Sam watched as Marlene walk off to find that Mikkish guy, slightly relieved. There was something off about that girl, and not just because she'd tried to make him abandon his wife five minutes after meeting her. This house was filled with shady characters. There was that butler, the vanishing man, whoever that Mikkish guy was... He was struck by the fact that, despite her strangeness, Marlene was the only person here who had given her name. This was no good at all, and so as he spotted the strange guy from the porch standing off in his own little corner of the lobby he came to a decision. "Nuts to that." He said to himself, walking over to the dragon man. "Hello?" He said, then continued under the assumption he'd gotten the mans attention. "Hi, my name is Sam. We met outside? Just thought I'd introduce myself properly. Sorry about that light out front, I thought you were something else. I'm a..." he gave the man a once over and decided on the best way to phrase this so that the other guy would most likely understand. "I'm a scholar. I write bestiaries for a living. I was hunting a monster in the woods when I wound up here. How are you holding up?" [/quote] Marlene stared at him pleasantly. "hello..how are you...." She asked in a very shy tone of voice.