Name: Sylvia a.k.a Sigma Age: 20 Meta Appearance: Sylvia is of Hispanic descent, and this can be seen from her dark brown hair and eyes, her natural curves, and light skin tone. She stands at 5'4" and weighs 120 lbs. She's toned, but not too much as she feels that it would interfere with her beauty. She can normally be seen wearing tight jeans, a t-shirt, and stylish boots in her civilian wear. [hider=Sylvia][img][/img][/hider] Powers: Force field generation: Sigma has the ability to generate and shape forcefields. She is skilled at creating forcefields in various shapes and sizes. She has also learned to create a a forcefields that keeps things in and a forcefields that can line her entire body in combat. Teleportation: Sigma can teleport from one location to the next like second nature. She do this without skipping a beat, finishing conversations between teleporting. If she knows a person well enough, she can teleport to the person as long as they are not too far. She can also take people and objects with her as long as she has physical contact with them. Spatial Awareness: This ability mostly caveats the previous two. With her spatial awareness, Sigma is made aware of everything around her, keeping from getting attacked off guard or missing minor details. She can enter a building and get a feel for it in just a few minutes. This allows her to teleport easily to safe spots in an area without having to actually look or be informed. This ability also allows Sigma to have ano extremely proactive defense force with her force fields as she can block attacks from any direction by generating a forcefield in the appropriate place. Skills: Sylvia relies almost solely on her powers, though she has been trained with conventional firearms. Unlike Michael, she has spent time honing her hand to hand combat. Personality: Sylvia likes to keep to herself most of the time. It's not because she's shy, she's just not a people's person. Making her laugh is the best way to get her to open up, though it isn't easy. She takes orders seriously, but will question the genius behind them if they're the wrong way to go about a situation. Her sole reason for joining a team of superheroes is the security of the job and knowing that there will always be non Metas to save. Brief Background: Sylvia escaped the detention facility that she, Michael Watts, and a handful of other meta escaped. While on the run, some of the group wound up being contracted by mercenary group looking for meta soldiers. After Michael had given himself the name, Omega, she followed suit and dubbed the name Sigma.