[center][IMG]http://i934.photobucket.com/albums/ad184/silversstorm/bromcopy_zps3d9c12e6.png[/IMG] [b]Leader[/b] [hider=Fabine] Name: Fabine Owned by: Fionraella Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall, 5 foot, 10 inch tall boy with blond-brown hair that is cut just below his ears. He has dark blue-green eyes. He has a jagged scar across his elbow from a long ago injury. [img]http://images1.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Nate-nate-archibald-1256401_1280_1920.jpg[/img] Personality: He's a very harsh leader, and some might consider him to be heartless. He doesn't put up with people not listening to him, and doesn't hesitate before killing. He can be cruel at times, and most people try to keep their distance. He doesn't listen or play well with others. He argues with anyone doubting his ability. He's been a leader for just over two years and believes that means that he can do whatever he wants. Fabine can be seen as a lady's man, and is devilishly handsome. Girls fall head over heels for him, regardless of how he feels about them. He's not a man for romance, but he does enjoy the attention. Animal: Spotted Owl Weapon and Fighting style: His weapon of choice is a golden-hilted dagger with an owl on the hilt. He fights both in animal form and with his dagger. Other: Brother is Dem. [/hider] [b]Second in Command[/b] [b]Healers[/b] [hider=Elauna] Name of character: Elauna Owned by: Fionraella Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-2dNtUxpuXHo/VYgGoSQWRSI/AAAAAAAA3I8/lbRw7nvN3LonnQK4PTx362TtAGPT_qWRw/w506-h750/ADRIANA%2BLIMA%2BNO%2BMAKEUP%2BMAYBELINE%2BWALLPAPER.jpg[/img] Personality: Elauna is very stubborn, she's a harsh healer and doesn't take any shit from anyone. She's pushy and stern and tells people what's what. A complete opposite to Destin in many ways. She's a good healer, but often people don't like her healing them because of her attitude. She acts like she's always right in every situation and can't stand it when people try to prove her wrong. She gets along well with those who are much younger than her, but around 15 is where she can't tolerate anyone anymore. She absolutely adores kids. She is a loyal Brom and does what she can to protect them. She's also not a *bad* person per se. Everything she does is for the best of her group. But she is honorable and won't kill or injure someone who is smaller or weaker than her. Animal: Gray wolf Weapon and fighting style: Archer when needed [/hider] [b]Fighters[/b] [hider=Casey] Name: Casey Owned by: Fionraella Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall, five foot, 7 inch tall boy with spiky dark brown hair with black undertones. His eyes are a shockingly dark blue, contrasting to his sister's brown eyes. Personality: He is a thoughtful, quiet boy who is fiercely loyal of his group. He enjoys reading and sketching in his spare time. He's often by the river, thinking deep thoughts or reading/sketching. He's not much of fighter, but he is very protective of his sister and would do pretty much anything to protect her. He's a very "go-with-the-flow" type of a person, the complete opposite of his sister. He doesn't argue with anyone, unless what they are doing will put someone else in danger. Animal: White mouse Weapon and Fighting style: His weapon is a curved dagger, much like that of his sisters, except it is larger and has tiny notches in it. Other: His sister is Cici [/hider] [hider=Cici] Name: Cici Owned by: Fionraella Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Tall, five foot, 6 inch tall girl with short, shoulder-length dark brown, almost black hair. Her eyes are a deep chocolate brown. Personality: She is a strong, fearless girl who is not afraid to start fights with members of her own group. She doesn't take orders well, and will often make sarcastic comments if she thinks someone is wrong. Cici can have a temper, and can be easily irritated. She's a very anxious person and doesn't like to stay in one spot for two long, the complete opposite of her brother. She's always trying to find something she's good at to contribute to the group to keep busy. Animal: Bald Eagle Weapon and Fighting style: Her weapon is a hooked dagger that curves at a sharp angle. Other: Her brother is Casey. [/hider] [hider=Misha] Name: Misha Owned by: xiaomiau Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Amethyst is a short, rather wiry girl with straight, mousy brown hair that hangs down a little past her shoulder blades and light blue-grey eyes. She has freckles over pale skin, usually streaked with dirt. Personality: She may be small in stature, but her fiery and often overconfident disposition balances balances out what she lacks in appearance.. She can be rather unpleasant due to her tendency to be judgmental and brutally honest, but underneath her outward personality she is loving and loyal. She is somewhat impulsive and generally lets her underlying rage and rampant emotion drive her rather than favoring reason and empathy. Animal: Tabby cat Weapon and Fighting style: Amethyst uses a blunt kitchen knife and quick, light-footed action to fight. She is small and is easy to overpower, which comes to her disadvantage as she often rushes into conflict and tries win with brute force she simply does not possess. Other: She has a former romantic relationship with Kianna. [/hider] [hider=Ryder] Name of character: Ryder Played by: Genesis Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: 5'10 and lean but muscular. Has short dark blond hair and blue eyes. Personality: Ryder is aloof at first and arrogant. He is quick to anger when he feels he's been insulted and will lash out at anyone who challenges him. Despite this, he is fiercely loyal and will not back down when he is protecting himself or someone he cares for. Once you gain his respect, he is clever and caring and would do almost anything for his friends. Animal: Leopard Weapon and fighting style: A set of two daggers he is adept with at close range. [/hider] [b]Archers[/b] [hider=Vera] Name of character: Vera Your name (nickname): Jay Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Slender, pretty-faced girl with shoulder length light brown, almost golden, hair. Her eyes are a hazel-ish green. Personality: Vera often finds herself getting into mischief, whether it be with friends or enemies. She is easily bored and loves finding new ways to entertain herself. Although this can sometimes lead to her stirring up trouble, she would give anything to protect those that she cares about. Her temper can flare up at times and cause her to make rash decisions, but she usually comes to her senses quickly. Animal: Hawk Weapon and Fighting style: A traditional wooden bow with an intricately decorated sheath for her arrows. She's got a great aim, even from long distances, but can become panicked and unskilled when fighting hand-to-hand. [/hider] [hider=Xavier] Name: Xavier Owned by: Fionraella Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall, handsome boy with short, dark brown, almost black hair. he has light blue, almost gray eyes. Personality: He is a kind boy and is protective of those weaker than him. He's a fair fighter and believes in only taking on someone who can defend themselves. He is headstrong, and single-minded, sticking to his point of view in arguments. Xavier doesn't do much to avoid getting into arguments, and sometimes deliberately seeks them out. Unlike his sister, Xavier does listen to his leader's orders, and is a very loyal Brom. He would never hesitate to kill, or help kill a Rabin. Animal: Crocodile. Weapon and Fighting style: His weapon of choice are throwing knives dipped in a special poison that paralyzes for up to 3 hours. Other: His sister is Amelia, though neither know it, due to be orphaned and being placed in different homes. [/hider] [b]Brawlers[/b] [hider=Eglantine] Name: Eglantine Owned by: Fionraella Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Average-height girl with medium-length, strawberry blonde hair. She has light gray, almost white eyes. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/fe/1c/38/fe1c38e99ac66a822628a471145ece0f.jpg[/img] Personality: Eglantine is often off on her own, rather than being with her groupmates. She finds them too loud and argumentative. She prefers sitting by the river, enjoying what the forest has to offer. That's not to say she wouldn't fight to protect her group if called upon. She prefers a more peaceful approach to arguments. She's a very sweet girl, with a kind personality. She has a good sense of humor and can take a joke. She has a hard past and doesn't like discussing it with other people. Animal: Roe deer Weapon and Fighting style: Other: She is mute. She uses sign language and pads of paper to communicate, which makes things difficult as many groupmates do not know sign language. [/hider] [hider=Evelyn] Name: Evelyn Owned by: Carlsberg Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Evelyn is quite short, standing at 5'6. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9f/f1/78/9ff17801f4a55ccb2898ea54eb874c25.jpg[/img] Without glasses. She also has a tattoo of a feather on her neck. Personality: Evelyn has changed a lot over the years. Before she started dating Fabine, she was very unstable, often being angry and acting irrationally. She would often get into fights with Rabins, and occasionally with other Broms as well. This drew a lot of ire from both the Rabins and the Broms. After she started to date Fabine, she calmed down. It turned out she was only acting the way she was to attract his attention, and it ended up working. Nowadays she is a cynical yet kind person, though her former self still shines through when she's angry or fighting. She cares deeply for Fabine, even though they have their rough patches. Animal: Polar Bear, albeit a small one at 450 pounds. Weapon and Fighting style: Evelyn's main weapon is her body. In her animal form she is a ferocious fighter, attacking with quick and savage attacks, often going into a sort of rage when she's fighting. She is not scared to call herself one of the best brawlers in the whole forest. On the downside, If she calms down after one of her rages, or is caught in her human form, she is near useless, often becoming delirious at being injured whilst a human. Other: She is currently dating Fabine. [/hider] [hider=Jayden] Name: Jayden Played by: wallaberry Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Jayden is about 5'11 and decently built. His hair is cut short and is a dark brown color, similar to his eye color. His face is dusted with freckles. Personality: Jayden is known as a polite individual. He is respected for his opinions and actions. Despite being a brawler, he would rather find a diplomatic solution to things, rather than run headfirst into them. He has his own quarrels with Fabine but generally sees him as a strong leader. Animal: He shifts into a mountain lion. Weapon and Fighting style: Jayden prefers to fight people that have a chance against him. He'd rather scare smaller or younger opponents, but knows a threat when he sees one. [/hider] [hider=Leonardo Regit Martier] Name: Leonardo Regit Martier Age: 10 Gender: Male Appearance: Leo is a 5' tall boy with scraggily, curly, brown hair. He has a round face and big ucky yellow-green eyes. Since he was practically raised and trained in his animal form, he has some interestingly unique features that distinguish him from most. His ears are slightly pointed, his canine teeth stick out of his mouth a bit, and his nails are sharp and pointed like claws. He also has three stripes on both his cheeks that are birthmarks and a scar across the bridge of his nose. He wears a black vest with a green t or long sleeved shirt that's the same color as his eyes, as well as black shorts or pants. He's usually seen wearing tennis shoes, or hiking boots. Personality: Leo is a very obedient boy with a huge sense of curiosity. He loves to learn and explore and often gets in trouble due to these tendencies. He has a bit of an issue with dominance, thinking he's better than everyone until proven wrong. He won't do as asked until you've proven you're the 'alpha'. He's not good with social interactions. Animal: Lion Weapon and Fighting style: Up close and personal is his style when seen. However he likes to stalk and track his prey, trying to get the upper hand on them since he is smaller. He is stronger than one would think due to intense training. He mostly uses his animal form when he doesn't have much left to do, mainly because it's bigger and he likes to be fast and small. Other: Renier and Dean are his cousins. He isn't very literate with his words, so his English is broken. [/hider] [/center]