Full Name:Avary Muse Age: 13 Occupation: Depends Looks: [img]http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mcfa833252736a4d491a9a4f2d1ee9583H0&pid=15.1[/img] Personality: Brooding and dark mot of the time, mischievous and playful at other times. Likes: Junk food, video games, VR Dislikes: Pink, peppy people, happiness in general Good Traits: Powerful, smart Bad traits: Vengeful Star Sign: Scorpio Works Well With: Barely anyone Insane Powers: Telepathy and telekinesis History: Avary as a child was happy and playful, until one day, the local gang came for money from his parents, and when they didn't give any, they murdered them, right in front of Avary. (Just for fun) Character Theme: ?