Cain remained there, sitting with his legs folded and his elbows resting on his knees. He gazed at the girl with his nickel stained eyes, studying her every movement as she fought against the boys. She was brave, but not smart or skilled. She ended up in the fetal position, and that's when the ex-assassin made his presence known. He let out a weak pulse of magic. It's only purpose was to prompt the subconscious minds of the boys to pay attention to him. And so they fled in fear. It was then that the girl picked heralded up and looked to Cain. There were a few emotions that he was familiar with: anger, fear, sadness. He had seen them many times in his previous line of work, and logged them away in memory to help him identify later. Her expression was strange to him. There didn't seem to be fear, rather some kind of questioning. He couldn't put a name to what he was seeing. He cocked his head at a slight angle as he made a realization. He had seen this girl before. She was smaller then. Had it been so long? He stopped keeping track of time long before he left the clan. He decided he had questions for her. After all, there was not a time limit on his assignment. "What does your expression signify, child?" He asked in his deep, rough voice. It was distorted by a previous slash across the throat, which he had patched himself as a teenager and survived. [@shylarah]