[color=F4A460][b]E'nasha Williams[/b][/color] [i]Lyn's Hunt[/i] [indent][b][color=cyan]"That's not going to hold him off for long enough. He can turn into a swarm of bugs and reform quite quickly. Not to mention my leg is broken. I wouldn't be able to get too far."[/color][/b][/indent] [color=F4A460][i]Well, great. bugs and broken legs and- whatever this guy is doing now...?[/i][/color] E'nasha watched as Leith started draining the grass around them of water, drying it out slowly. That's one way to kill a plant. She wasn't sure what she could do to help him, if anything, so she focused on the bug-man as he spoke. [color=F4A460]"Wait, so he can control plants [i]and[/i] turn into bugs at will? Those bloods don't really occur in one person very much."[/color] She said to Leith as the trees began moving towards them. She thought about trying to force the trees away or make them grow so fast that the other herbamancer lost control, but those plans probably wouldn't work. More than definitely he was a higher level than her with his magic, and had more practice than she did in fighting actual fights. She'd have to think of something else. Leith pointed out to the man that his brother was fighting a losing battle against two other college students, she didn't see what happened next though as her attention was taken by the girl she'd seen passed out earlier walking towards them. The girl called to Leith in a shaky voice, and E'nasha went over to her to help support the girl as she stood. [color=F4A460]"Hey, take it easy. You were just out cold. I'm glad you're awake now but there's no need to push yourself."[/color] She said as she tried to move the girl away from the fight, or at least sit her down. [color=F4A460]"I'm E'nasha, by the way. Herbamancer, just like you right?"[/color] She let her gaze stray from the girl's face as the trees got close enough to start swinging at them. [color=F4A460]"Great. Hold still a moment!"[/color] She said to Summer and Leith as she bent one of the not-currently-hostile trees over to create a sort of shield for the trio, bending another one over as well to create a small space where they were less likely to get crushed by flailing branches. [color=F4A460]"Hopefully this holds for a while."[/color] E'nasha flinched as one hit sounded as if it would break the trees in two, starting to say her thoughts out loud to get her mind off it. [color=F4A460]"So, bugs. I don't know if he'll fall for it, but, if we can get him to transform into his little bug-swarm, I have seeds for a carnivorous plant that could eat some of the bugs. That should damage him a bit, right?"[/color] A half-baked crazy idea, but it was literally all that was popping into her head at the moment.