His gaze followed her silently as she moved around. "I did nothing. They decided to flee, child." He corrected her. His attention went to her bag, which was blotched with fruit juices. He healed up one hand, his left, Ina manner as if he were trying to grab the bag from too far away. With his other hand, held up two fingers in a half-tora sign, "Earth style, reverse withering seal." He muttered as he applied his magicka. The juices and pulp of the fruit autonomously retraced and repaired itself, forming lumps in her bag once again. Once that was done, he reached further and took one from the bag. He lifted his mask halfway and bit into the soft fruit. After he swallowed that bite, he asked, "Explain 'surprise', young one. I don't understand." He chomped at the plump peach again and awaited her response. This was an excellent learning opportunity. Children were especially emotional creatures, and since he was stopping to eat, he figured he might as well be productive in the process. [@shylarah]