“My name is Amuné,” she told him. Wordlessly she watched him stretch a hand out towards her ruined purchases, mouth forming an O of surprise when they ceased to be a lost cause. She didn’t begrudge him one of them; after all, it was thanks to him that she had another still. Since he was still sitting, she plopped down next to him. It wasn’t as if her clothing could be damaged any worse that it already was. “What’s yours? Oh, and don’t tell me you didn’t do anything. They wouldn’t have decided to run off like that if you hadn’t done /something/.” For a moment the girl’s grey eyes dimmed, but she brushed that aside. His question confused her. Explain surprise? What was there to explain? But he had been very muted, even when she’d met him a couple years before. Maybe it was tied to his query. “Surprise is...hm.” Amuné started on the last of the peaches, chewing thoughtfully. “It’s when something happens you didn’t expect. Something you weren’t prepared for. That’s surprise.” She tilted her face towards him, her gaze focused on his mask. Even now he hadn’t removed it all the way, but it was lifted enough for her to see the piercings and patterns underneath. All at once she reached for it. “You should take it off,” she said, aiming to do just that, though careful not to be rough about it. “I’ve seen your face before -- it doesn’t scare me. It’s just different. Fierce. ...I like it.” The last words were accompanied by another shy smile.