Avarius opened his blurry eyes to the bright light of the treating room. Nearby he could hear the nasally voice of a young boy complaining about a failed summon while the feet of a busy nurse scuffled around him. Despite all the noise being a burden to his aching head, Avarius wore a wide smile as he lay on his back staring aimlessly at the ceiling. He had finally summoned, and it was great! He focused on those brief memories he shared and replayed his conversation over and over again in his head. He recapped the length and feeling of the summon and would use it for future warning. '[i]You can not know your limits until you push yourself past them.[/i]' He wouldn't be in a rush to do that again, he thought to himself. As he lay there daydreaming Avey overheard bits and pieces of the students complaint filled excuses and the nurses gentle assuring rebuttals. One thing was for sure though, he was going to miss second class, and so was Avarius if he didn't hurry. Normally he wouldn't mind, Avey didn't like to rush or be rushed. But this was different, this was summoning class and he didn't want to miss a single thing. Leaping out of the bed Abey raced out into a hall way, "[i]shit[/i]" he curses softly to himself, he had no idea where he was. After a little bit of back tracking and running around he found the rest of his class on the oval. A golem appeared to be chasing the students around while an older man, presumably the teacher, beat on a student... Avey's body tensed as his first interpretation was an attack. But as it played out he saw it for what it was, his shoulders relaxed as his heart sunk further. To Avey this was almost worse. [i]'And some of you will do terrible things.'[/i] The old summoner's words repeated once again in Avey's head. [i]'Is this how it begins?'[/i] he questions himself as he takes a seat crossing his legs beneath him and watches the golem, his eyes search the creature for recognition, empathy or enjoyment. As he studied it he sought to understand the nature of the summon. He didn't care as much for the nature of their teacher. Looking at that man made Avey's teeth grind, his hands clenched into tight fists as he instinctually was prepared to step in should he deem it to have gone too far. A moment later, with a deep breath he found his zen and relaxed. Avarius would sit calmly in place until his class came running by and then join them.