Bernard tried to ignore the heat and the second meanings of some of his words, unused to it. He normally never really talked to people face-to-face- he had some friends, but he didn't see them much anymore. It [i]was[/i] nice to have a new one, even just to share coffee/hot chocolate with. But then again, she [i]was[/i] cute... he pushed that thought out of his head. Superpowers are more important right now. Getting up from his seat, he started getting everything packed up in to-go stuff. Everything wasn't much- he slipped his phone into his pocket, got a paper bag to slip his pastries into, and that was that. So he jerked his head towards the door, telling Evie, [color=burlywood]"Well let's go, then. No time better than the present to get started."[/color] And with that, he walked out the door, turning around to push the door open with his back, and waiting for Evie to come. What a gentleman, he was, holding doors for people.