Saeril internally chuckled at the young dwarf's question as the forest of Mirkwood began to appear before them. Looking down at him with an amused smile, she noticed the arching of his brows, as if he was trying to concentrate hard, and she did feel some tugging upon her psyche within their channel. He was trying to access her memories. She would gladly do so, but why open it up freely if you don't want him to see things you don't want him to see? For that, she opened up her memories of herself watching him and Fili, and sent only those memories to his conscious, in order for him to see them. It was only that moment for him to see them, until she almost pulled those images back to her. She couldn't let him watch them for too long, in fear of her other memories springing in the cycle. Coming upon the dark forest, Saeril departed off Kili's pony, and gazed up at the trees. She almost lost track of her consciousness, while looking at them for too long, and she eventually gained back her stance quickly, before the others could notice. There was no need of worrying them. "This forest looks...sick", Bilbo recalled. "As if a disease lies upon it", he added while looking upon the decayed trees.