[quote=@SleepingSilence] It certainly does appear that way, I mean you hate a video game because you think it MAY of created a few extra libertarians. That just seems too extreme for your dislike to be a mild annoyance level. XD And yes you're correct passion isn't always translate to usefulness. But, its a hell of a lot better than people who do the opposite. I don't like Anita Sarkseeian because she HAS NO passion, she doesn't care about video games, she doesn't play them. She has no passion in what she does. Her goal is to make money. She scammed all of her supports out of money. Disregarding her opinions, she's not a good person. I may dislike Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. But I do understand the difference between Sanders genuine desire to improve the world, how he sees it, and Hillary wanting her foundation to have more press. It reminds me of a debate between The Young Turks and Sam Harris. Where Sam Harris had to explain 2+2=5 is mathematically more correct, than 2+2=100. TYT couldn't grasp the idea, and said no both were equally wrong. I think that's kind of where we are right now. Once again, I must say. A lot of SJW's (at least far far more of them.) Speak very rudely and aggressively to others, I mean when literally everyone is sexist,racist,homophobic,transphobic,ablest and god knows what else...is their main overall message. How CAN you say something that outrageous, in a polite manner? That is false. Libertarians DO NOT, claim they are centrist. Their economy values may lean right or left. But it usually always means that most of their social views are liberal. Independents and Moderates make those claims, and yes usually most of time...no one is "in the center". And Libertarians do not equal Anarchists. I mean you're dislike seems to be from lack of knowledge of them, forgive me. Calling them a bunch of names, also does not tend to show that you don't hate a group, because demonizing an entire group seems quite hateful to me. They also don't hate roads. Like that's someone I simply cannot understand saying with a straight face. Or saying meninist or race revisionist for that matter...-.- I mean despite that people laugh and say "HA you think without a shit load of people FORCING you to spend money, that people would WILLINGLY give THEIR MONEY? To people who have ideas? OR even give money for their medical bills that aren't theirs. HAHAHAHA. Who would even?" *shows them kickstarter and gofundme and how fricking successful it is* >.> I mean seriously...most people will want roads...so people will pay for upkeep of those roads. (And no political system is perfect and its bound to have some kind of flaw...) So question, do you want guns banned? Because that is absolutely not a centrist belief. Most Leftists and democrats don't even support that here. Their are certain Libertarians do seem to actually be the "Give me drugs" party. Where that's the only issue they care about. But it's certainly not the majority. And it also seems to be a US only thing. At the same time, you don't have to do something to think it shouldn't try to be banned and forced out of people's hand. (their's a lot of gray area here, and its kind of hard to debate. Without going on forever. >.>) [/quote] I think he has some insecurities and is reassuring himself