A breath was released, and Nicholas had relaxed with the rock. The sudden jerking of his frame had irritated the wound, and the pain was beginning to pick up again. He gently set the rock on the side table beside his bed. He wondered why he'd reacted the way he did, and why he felt so drawn to keep the rock -- the very thing that could have killed him had Jacob not been around. Because he doubted Mattie would have known what to do in that situation. It was irritating, not being able to lay on his back. He preferred being able to look around leisurely instead of staring at the headboard of the motel bed. It surprised him a bit when Mattie asked if she was allowed to go outside. He didn't want her to think she was a prisoner, and he knew Jacob wouldn't want that either. He turned on his side to face her and said, "Yeah, I don't see why not. You don't have to stay here if you don't want to. Jacob was just making sure you were going to live." He paused and then added, "He'll be back soon with our food, so don't go too far...I mean, unless you don't want it. I get that. Just let me know if you go home. Okay? And be careful...there's no telling what's out there now. Or who."