[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@SleepingSilence] [color=9e0b0f]I think that your comments about SJWs arent too different from my comments about libertarians, you dont agree with the movement so you poke fun at them. You can say the majority of SJWs are rude and calling 'everyone' racist/sexist whatever but the reality is you havent met enough SJWs to make a overall comment on their behavior as I haven't met enough libertarians to justify saying they are ALL the way I say they are, but I'm generalizing to point out an issue with the ideology. And some libertarians do consider themselves centrist, they refer to themselves being in 'the middle' of left and right wing politics.[/color] [/quote] [@Dynamo Frokane] Not in real life. Maybe. But...I've seen enough of them online, and their you tube videos of their opinions. Tell me what libertarians on youtube say they hate roads? FIND ONE that's popular. I'll wait. Want me to find SJW's that say everyone is _____ and have a bunch of views. I can certainly do just that! Some may have in fact have "centrist" economical positions. But it's clear most are pro personal freedoms on social issues. They're a clearer political position to me than some alternatives that are so vague they barely mean anything... Also I want you to find me ONE that's a race revisionist...Because using Meninist and that words, are literal buzz words with absolutely no fact or evidence backing it up. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [color=9e0b0f]I have no idea who Angela or this tumblr writer is, I dont follow tumblr as much as you do it seems. And yeah, saying I'm insecure is just a dumb ad-hominem attack that I wont justify with a response, troll harder Andy Rand.[/color] [/quote] Also if you claim that you don't follow tumblr, don't claim that they're passionate to me. That seems mighty contradictory, admitting you know nothing about something yet proclaiming such a thing, like you do. And I won't defend personal attacks, which include you calling a other person a name right back...two wrongs don't make a right.