[quote=@Weird Tales] You make it sound like MRA is a bad thing, and [b]I have never seen libertarians who call themselves MRA[/b]. Libertarians are anti SJW, but that doesn't make them MRA. Also are you aware that meninism is satire? [/quote] You will agree just because you havent seen them it doesn't mean they dont exist. I think we can agree that there are libertarians who are also men's rights activists, that's not a stretch of the imagination. Yes I know meninist is satire, youve both seem to have taken that joke rant a little too personally. I thought SJWs were supposed to be the sensetive ones. And yes I think some MRA's are passive aggressive reactionary assholes, just like some feminists, I'm egalitarian, I don't have to side with either one. [@SleepingSilence] Okay thats a tad nitpicky, I know tumblr has angry SJWs on it mainly from other people's anecdotes, that's not the same as following it, especially not enough to know about some person angela and some writer who ruined her career, If you're looking for hypocrisy you will have to search a little harder. Funnily enough, I don't get my 'libertarian experience' from popular youtubers, its not a big ego trip like youtube feminism or trump supporters. The libertarian's I meet are in real life debates, youth panels, speakers corner, and non publicised discussions on facebook or twitter. I dont think libertarians are about getting on youtube and hoarding views like that. And this guy is a race revisionist libertarian. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lsa_97KIlc[/youtube] Jared Taylor is a controversial figure but hes a still a self described libertarian. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL2oJuA6VZw[/youtube]