[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I think we can agree that there are libertarians who are also men's rights activists, that's not a stretch of the imagination. And yes I think some MRA's are passive aggressive reactionary assholes, just like some feminists, I'm egalitarian, I don't have to side with either one. [/quote] That doesn't make those word synonymous though. So it's practically meaningless...its equivalent to saying some leftists agree with Hitler...Even if that's a case...That should not be made into an argument that even MOST are. Because you DO NOT make a generalization if MOST or a large number doesn't fit into it. Also both of those movements do not act the same. [@SleepingSilence] Okay that's a tad nitpicky, I know tumblr has angry SJWs on it mainly from other people's anecdotes, that's not the same as following it, especially not enough to know about some person angela and some writer who ruined her career, If you're looking for hypocrisy you will have to search a little harder. [/quote] I mean...I could point out something hypocritical you've done rather easily. [hider=This is hypocrisy.] And yeah, saying I'm insecure is just a dumb ad-hominem attack that I wont justify with a response, troll harder Andy Rand. Is attacking an ad hominem attack for being an ad hominim immediately followed up with one of your own. [/hider] But it's not my point. And I didn't state that. I said that was mildly contradicting. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] And this guy is a race revisionist libertarian. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lsa_97KIlc[/youtube] Jared Taylor is a controversial figure but hes a still a self described libertarian. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL2oJuA6VZw[/youtube] [/quote] 1. I'm already aware of Stefan Molyneux and I can guarantee he isn't that buzz word. Unless you're describing Charles Murray...Can you throw me bone and tell me specifically what they said and why it's what you describe...I'd rather not watch a 38 minute video if there's one or two specific points that you find to be a problem. :/ 2. Well doing mild research of my own, I'm going to assume you mean Charles Murray. Because both their names come up for something called "Race Realism." And I'll admit I know jack shit about either of these two...But I think, the fact they need to go on other people shows, speaks volumes for how popular or commonplace they are...To be fair...you could probably always find a small group of bad apples anywhere. So maybe that was a bad challenge. BUT, I did say one popular one...and it doesn't appear that they're very popular individuals. I don't want to debate something I don't know the main point of, but I can at the same time say these are outliers and shouldn't be considered apart of the whole movement. (*See first point made.* >.>)