Okay, sidenote, here's a new annoyance: people who use the word SJW. Anyways, right-libertarianism is a sham. As long as there are men who - by tyranny of private property - are able to restrict the flow of the resources needed for human survival, there is no freedom. The men who own the resources lord it over those who do not. They exert influence over their lives and - on threat of death - can require the common people to produce excess wealth (see: capital) in exchange for basic human needs. In this way, no man has autonomy over his own body. He does not choose to be a slave to those who own the resources that he needs to survive. Individualism is a front for economic oppression. Individualism does not provide liberty for all people, it provides liberty for the few who have power and who have the resources necessary to keep that power (see: Bourgeois). These people are free, but all other men are made slaves to them. When economics are laissez-faire, the bourgeois strengthen their hold over the people, through the state. If the state can't regulate the economy then the economy regulates the state. Those with economic power elect people with political power and they both benefit eachother. In so doing, the people loose whatever little power that had left in the Republican system and are now subject to plutocracy. The bourgeois are free to use the organs of the state - the police, the military, and the justice system - to further their own ends and maintain their power.