Name: Masrith Appearance: [hider][img] [/img][/hider] Age:2,384 Race: Lich. it is almo0st imposiible to see what he was before he became a lich as his flesh is horrid. Role: He is a teacher but he also likes to explore the ancient ruins for the school and hosts trip there every year. Magic/powers/abilities/skills: Masrith has used his years wisely. He has mastered dark magic, unholy magic, holy magic (though he can no longer use it since he had become a lich), Aura magic, Negative enchantments, Death/undeath magic, and can even summon weapons to utilize in combat. He has studied all other forms of magic but can't use them. he just wants to know how to deal with them. He has also used his time to practice martial arts and various forms of weapon allowing him to be very proficient with pole arms, knives all the way to great swords. Personality: Masrith is considered to be a very intimidating individual with a menacing ideal. Masrith doesn't really care for emotions as they only ever got in his way. Due to his horrid appearance he has long since forsaken and ideal of love or friends. He is a very intelligent individual. While he is powerful, his most feared aspect is his mind. Equipment/items of importance,weapons, etc: Masrith doesn't hold anything of real value except for two weapons. One is a black steel great sword with gold etched writing. This sword is named dawn bringer. It is an old relic of church that specialized in hunting undead and necromancers. Some believe that Masrith slaughtered the church to take the blade while others hint that Masrith was a cleric long before he became a lich. The other weapon is a long slender green blade said to slice through any defense but will erode the body of its wielder. Masrith doesn't care, he is a lich after all. History/bio: Masrith doesnt talk about his past. Some hint he was cleric who was corrupted. Some say he was one of the first liches to exist. Only the current head master of the school knows his story and will admit that is not for the feint of heart. Interests/dislikes: (Optional) Other: Masrith has studied psychic abilities enough to protect his mind against it.