[@Heat] Thinking of perhaps using the HK-50/51 as a base, since it could be assumed that one or two of them could have survived in some corner of the galaxy just chilling in a scrap-yard until some enterprising soul decided it could be of use. At the moment, the back story of the HK-133 series sees them as a weapon developed by the Republic and Czerka to counter separatist movements before the Clone Wars, but then quickly distanced when not only their sadistic tendencies come to light, but also due to how it would look for the Republic to be using droids during that time. Czerka, being more than a little pissy about this move, goes to alter the contract a bit for the CIS and works on creating variants for the purpose of taking down Jedi, only to later hire them out [i]again[/i] to the Republic under Palpatine to provide some extra muscle for Order 66. In typical Sith and Czerka fashion, once all is said and done they decide the entire program isn't worth their time anymore, and cancel it entirely.