Name: Thomas "Tommy" Oliver AKA Silver Fang Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Human World of Origin: Earth of Miraculous - In this world there are items known as the Miraculouses. Each one takes the form of a piece of jewelry or something similar. Each Miraculous is paired with a Kwami, a small fairy-like being. With the help of the power of the Kwami, a Miraculous wielder can turn into a super-enhanced person. With this power, they can either be a hero or a villain. Each Miraculous has their own set of powers and abilities it gives their user. Each Miraculous is animal based, which defines their powers and abilities. Otherwise, this world is identical except to our own. Are you a member of TRIDENT? If so, what is your job/specialty? No Are you one of those seemingly normal people? If so, what do you do? No Appearance: Tommy is a tall boy at 6'0" and very muscilar, though not too broad. He wears t-shirts and jeans, though has been known to wear a Karate Gi. [hider=This but black hair] [img][/img] [/hider] As Silver Fang, his suit is a lot like [url=]Chat Noir's[/url], complete with wolf ears, with the addition of fur between his wrists and elbows as well as from his knees to his ankles. On the front of each boot, he has 3 claws. His wristband sits on his right wrist. Abilities and skills: As Tommy, he is slightly stronger and faster than average, as well as skilled in Karate, cooking great meals, and drawing. As Silver Fang, he has 1 active power and multiple passive powers. Active: Falling Stars - Weakens evil and strengthens allies [i]as he sees them[/i] as well as heals all physical injuries of anyone and anything touched by the drops. It appears as glowing silvery blue drops of water that washes over what it touches that rain over a 100 foot radius for 10 seconds. He can only use this power once per transformation, after which he has 5 minutes before he transforms back. Passive: Strength increased by 30%, Speed increases by 30%, Night Vision, Canine Hearing, Canine Smelling, Alpha Mentality (He has the feel of a good leader.) Strengths and Weaknesses: Karate, Empathy/Sympathy, Strategising. Can't talk to girls as himself, Acident Prone as himself, Headstrong and Stubborn. Equipment Requests: A large bag of Jerky. History: Tommy comes from a broken home. His father had gotten kicked out the Piscataway tribe before he was born, meaning Tommy doesn't have the help of the tribe. His mother, being a rich business woman, has bought him many things, though his father usually turns around and sells it to try to pay the bills. Because of this, Tommy doesn't get along with his deadbeat father. His father does own a small shop that sells natural remedies but, because very few people visit it, he doesn't make much money. Despite his irascible pique on his father selling the gifts from his mother, Tommy is rather fond of the little shop, doing what he can to bring in more customers. On the rare occasion he sees his mother, He becomes withdrawn. He doesn't blame her for leaving him behind, knowing it would've been harder with both his brothers there as well. Despite trying to help them behave and be less of a hassle on their mom, his younger brothers have never liked him. He's a 1st degree Black belt in Karate, thanks to his mom paying for his classes. Though, his life was changed when he found his Miraculous in his drawer. He listened to his [url=]Kwami[/url], Marrok the Wolf, about how the Miraculous worked. The first thing he did was test it out. Then he began acting as a hero with a team. After a few years, a rift opened up near them. With his team focused on the victim, he decided to check it out. However, upon entering the rift, his timer ran out to de-transform. Marrok was able to stay awake and hide in the pack of Jerky Tommy always carried around. Personality: Tommy is easily classified as a gentle giant. He cares for others, though isn't afraid to fight if he needs to. He's stern and stubborn but will put the well being of others before himself. He despises bullies, though tries to help the kids being bullied stand up for themselves instead of stopping the bully himself, unless things get physical. While he doesn't like to hurt others, he can and will if he thinks they will learn from it. He's also very philosophical. As himself, he can't talk to girls without mumbling and acting awkward. Many accidents happen around him, causing him to be a bit jumpy. He can also be very headstrong and reckless. Despite being a good tactician and strategist, Tommy has a hard time admitting he's a leader type. Kwami- Name: Marrok Appearance: Marrok looks like a tiny wolf with a giant head. He has 3 tails that are constantly moving. He has a pair of small antennae coming off his ears. Personality: Marrok is more mature and understanding of everyone. However, he won't give you an easy answer, preferring you to figure it out on your own. He likes when people overcome obstacles and, against his better judgement, has challenged his heroes too hard before, allowing him to learn for the next one. He is also one of the few Kwami that can deny transformation, though doesn't do this often.