[pre] [hider=Reaper CS] [h3][s][b][center]Name[/center][/b][/s][/h3] [b]Age:[/b] -No character limit but just have it make sense- [b]Gender:[/b] [b][s]Appearance:[/s][/b] -Written description and a photo which is optional- [b] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [b]Usual attire:[/b] [b][s]Relations:[/s][/b] -How do they feel about humans?- [b]Physical strength:[/b] -1/10 and why they are that weak/strong- [b]Mental strength:[/b] -1/10 and why they are that weak/strong- [b]Outward personality:[/b] -At least one paragraph- [b]Inward personality:[/b] -At least one paragraph- [b]Bio:[/b] -Why are they in Grim City? Just because? How long have they been there?- [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Hobbies and interests:[/b] [/pre]