Hehe, i'm not sure if i should actually play this one, but i couldn't resist. [hider=The character.] Character sheet: [hider=Picture] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/tonari-no-kaibutsukun/images/a/a5/Nagoya_Profle_Image.png/revision/latest?cb=20121208023749[/img] [/hider] -Name: Clucks. -Age: About yes. Quarter past ancient. But NO salt! -Race and a brief description: Dream wanderer, although most people see it as a chicken. -Powers or skills: Vast dream exploring and controlling powers, can enter dreams and control most aspects of them. The dream wanderers are terrifying creatures would they be intent on villainy. With their dream inducing might, they can even momentarily make someone dream for a split second, giving the dream wanderer a chance to imprint an idea, which will appear as a random idea popping up in the victims head. As a note the victim does not need to act on this. They can leave the realm of reality and enter the dream world, they can also bring items from the dream world into the real world. They can travel through the dream world as well, appearing nearly like teleportation. Their physical form however, is rather weak. -House: Clucks doesn't have a house, he just strolls around the streets. -Bussines/job: None, he's a chicken after all. -Important items: Around the back of Johnsons house, right next to Charles's tower. He has a nice little chicken nest made of straw. He just likes it. Woe betide anyone who would defile this sanctuary, Clucks would need to work several minutes to restore it damn it! -Hobbies: Wandering dreams, like any dream wanderer. Induce insanity and interestedly follow people when they do different tasks. Clucks also enjoys strolling the streets plucking for weeds or other simple meals. He really enjoys grain seeds. Also he warns the guards if he ever sees a crime. -More info: If not for the fact that dream wanderers are essentially chickens, they would probably rule all and dominate the world. But since they are essentially chickens they are rather harmless. Although that being said, RATHER is the key word, since if a dream wanderer takes interest in you you are in for a bad time. You will always dream every night, at first the dreams are harmless, but as time passes more and more loose sense and tangibility. Not until the dream has completely lost any reason does the dream wanderer truly show itself, and then it's far too late. Dream wanderers will induce severe insanity in those they visit in their dreams, but only if they decide to meddle with them. Which isn't something they usually do. They prefer to join in on the dreaming and see what sorts of things people dream about, and then they usually lose track of what is going on and aimlessly wander around. They are chickens after all. Research of the dream wanderers are scarce, and seldom taken seriously. The foremost researcher got highly insane after three different dream wanderers decided to have residence within his dreams. Something he did not escape with his sanity. Although even if any research in the matter isn't exactly taken seriously by most, there is a general belief that you shouldn't mess with chickens, sure people eat them and such, but it's general knowledge not to specifically annoy them. Luckily, dream wanderers are rare beasts and seldom get together. They usually are indistinguishable from regular chickens. Goals: Clucks is a rather experimental dream wanderer, and highly intelligent (for a chicken). Clucks have decided to be a real world adventurer and watch how interesting people do things in the real world! And thus with that knowledge improve his dream wandering! What counts as "improving" dream wandering however, is a terrifying thought in the very least. [/hider] The beast is a creation of mine i at times use for silly antics. I find it hilarious.