[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Vilageidiotx] Actually on this forum specifically, it more often is seemingly brought up by people that defend the term. And even if it was, (used for something 'vaguely liberal') that's not the point of the term...SJW comes from the general idea that their is some kind of structural oppressive system in place in the first world. 2 options here...the one I hope your saying, is people that are social conservative and fiscally liberal. Which usually would be used to describe a statist. (or a fascist. >.>) The other option I'll assume you're better than that, and won't say it. Because saying, if your socially conservative and fiscally conservative. Suddenly *magic* your a conservative instead. Would go without saying...(this wasn't it, I just assume that's a given.) I wish this particular "we demand less freedom" movement wasn't so poisoning and widespread but even though nobody should be taken a lot of stuff seriously...including people that preach it. But it's talked about a lot for a reason... [/quote] what I am saying is libertarianism describes somebody socially left and fiscally right. To be socially and fiscally right is plain conservatism and for such a movement to claim libertarianism would be blatant rebranding. And why I am saying this is because I get the impression opposition to the sjw fringe is evolving into a wholesale rejection of social liberalism. The bathroom bill and trumps wall being case in point, since both invoke an increase of government authority and by proxy a rejection of both social liberalism and libertarianism