The child frowned at the laughter. She was trying not to show it, but she was worried, maybe even a bit scared. She knew humans and shifters weren’t getting along well, that people were getting hurt because of it. She didn’t want to be one of those people. Cain was close enough to observe how her clenched fists were trembling. Amuné didn’t back down, though. As the man in black got to his feet, she glanced at him. She didn’t really detect anything with her magic, but the sense for danger that helped the rabbit escape the jaws of the wolf made the hair on the back of her neck prickle. Magic surged around the man, and suddenly it was dark, and then he was gone. Wait, no, not gone, but behind the commoner, holding a knife to the other man’s throat! She gasped, taking a step back. Now she really was frightened, though she did her best not to let it show. “I think you’ve made your point,” she said instead, addressing the strange man in a voice that wavered slightly. “Stand down. We’re leaving.” The girl grabbed his hand and turned to start walking away. She didn’t reply to his comment aloud, but inside she was confused and scared. That wasn’t surprise at all -- well it was a bit, but it was more fear than anything else!