Cain allowed the girl to lead him away from the frozen man and child. He replaced the knife as he sauntered along with her. The height difference mean that, despite the quickness in her step. His own lanky figure casually strode. They were a sight to behold. A royal girl in command of a monster. Cain thought back to the night before, when he had been charged with this task. The employer remained in the shadows, but addressed him formally, his voice echoing off the decorated mansion walls of velvet and mahogany. "Find this girl, and bring her to me safe and sound, but do as she says. You will be her faithful dog of sorts. Fate will bring the two of you here again." His thoughts of this were brief and cold. They're analytical and emotionless. His thoughts returned to the present. Anger. That was an emotion he could recognize. Fear, he could detect, but hers was a strange combination of the two. It was then that he realized that emotions were like strokes of a blade. You can make hundreds of strikes and only make one wound, but that wound is drastically different than that of a single blow. Yes, his research was paying off. "Where are you taking me, child?" He asked without the faintest of true inflection. The crunching of dirt beneath his boots were more human than his own voice. [@shylarah]