Cain listened to the words the girl spoke. He was confused. Why was the man's fear or anger relevant? It didn't make sense. He was a potential threat. Now he was not. In Cain's mind, that was all there was to it, but to the girl it was much more. This didn't make any sense. "Then someone who is afraid and angry is not a threat?" He asked, searching for the truth of what she was getting at. But she wasn't done. She went on to explain how he was not intimidating, but he was. He had not changed appearance. He had not done anything out of his own normalcy. That was who he was, and yet she was claiming he had two different, distinct faces. This caused him pain. It was a pain he did not understand. He did not want to frighten the girl. He had to make her safe. This did not compute. It was an irrational thing to consider not wanting to frighten another. What possible gain would be achieved in being conscious of her fear? And yet he could not bring himself to allow this to happen in the future. This... surprised him. He looked down at Amuné, thinking of her as having a name for the first time, and was unsure of how to reply. "My name is Cain." He said simply, reaching out and summoning the same obsidian glass flower he had two years prior. [@shylarah]