Vincent managed to still keep his pace but he was struggling. Ten miles was very long and he didn't know how much they could actually do until someone falls down and gets trampled or fake-trampled under the golem's weight. He really thought that there was a better way to do this like starting with five miles first before heading over to ten. They had the potential to become summoners, and most of them was successful in the summoning process, but that didn't mean they could run a marathon right off the bat. And it wasn't like a marathon where you could slow down to a jog or walk once in a while to catch your breath. No, it was a full-out sprint! But the golem was moving in a speed where they could rest for a while with a jog but then they'd have to go back to running. Then some student seemed to have thought that attacking the golem was actually a [i]good[/i] idea. He managed to look at the student as he launched himself at the golem. Before he could actually touch the golem, Koga had already appeared in front of him and stopped his attack mid-way. Koga then grabbed the student's, Dante Vincent recalled, hair and then dragged him somewhere where they couldn't see after instructing everyone else to keep running. He could just imagine what they were doing. After all, Ms. Oni told them specifically not to piss him off. And now, he learned to fear this 'very open punishment system' of the school. It seemed that the teachers can go to extremes just to teach one student not to cross the line. And they were probably physical. He shook his head and looked back in front of him. He would probably lag behind if he kept staring back. That didn't seem like an option. He took deep breaths again. It didn't work quite as well as before but oh well. He wasn't the most physically fit person around anyway. He wondered what would happen should he stumble and fall. He was really curious right now but he knew it wasn't an option. Not now at least. His eyes trailed to one of the students beside him. Lazzerus was his name he thought. That person stared at him for a good 10 seconds before looking back ahead and then muttering something under his breath that Vincent couldn't hear either because of the thumping of feet on the ground, the ragged breaths of everyone else or the thumping of his heart against his ears. He decided not to inquire further. Talking would probably drain him. Then someone dashed to the front of the group. It was Drake Sigurd. No, that wasn't right. Vincent didn't see him near the front of the groups where he was running with. He just pulled out from the back. That wasn't good. That seemed like a final outburst of power and energy and he would burn out quickly than any of them. He wanted to warn him, he truly did but he couldn't shout now. He would be a panting mess, stumbling around if he did as it would seep most of his energy. Well he just hoped that the guy wouldn't pass out from exhaustion or else someone was going to get in trouble. Wait, if someone did pass out. Were they supposed to help or would they leave it to Koga? He'd rather not find out really.