When the timing was right Avarius took the opportunity and slipped amongst a cluster of his passing class mates, still running along with the golem trailing close behind. Avarius was highly active and therefore quite fit, he easily held his position in the middle of the pack. 1 mile in and others were beginning to show fatigue. "[color=lightblue][i]So, what did that guy do to get the special treatment?[/i][/color]" Avarius casually asked the group around him with a slight nod in the direction towards the teacher and student. Still holding his pace he was talking to no one in particular and welcomed an answer from anyone. "[color=lightblue][i]Has the golem caught anyone yet?[/i][/color]" By the look in his eyes, no good was running through his head. ---- A while later, long after sweat had began rolling down his face, Avarius knew they wouldn't all make it. Having entered the race late he still had a fair bit of run in himself, but he was curious about the cost of failure. Someone would soon find out and undoubtably the race would be over. He didn't want their second hand information or fear filled recap. He wanted to see if the golem hesitated, if it slowed, if it smiled. He wanted to see what sort of creature bound itself with his teacher. Sometimes learning was painful. He was not here to impress anyone and saw no gain in winning this race, someone was going to meet the golem soon so why not him. He slows. Smiles to those that pass. Stops. Stands still, tall, and turns to face the rampaging beast.