Eyes closed to the world, Claribel flinched as a beam of sunlight weaved through the building tops and chimneys to smack her in the face. "Hnn?" she groaned as she lifted her head, blinking her blue eyes. Parting her long pink hair, it didn't do much to block the sunlight. Still not quite awake, Claribel dropped her head back down, thumping it against the wood, before letting herself stay adrift in that half awake state as the sun climbed a bit more. After a few minutes, a voice called out, "Claribel? What are you doing here?" Lifting her head off the door to her workplace, Claribel stumbled a step away, before yawning, "W-work." Her mustachioed employer moved to unlock the door, noting, "You're off today, aren't you?" Eyes snapping open, Claribel gasped, "Eh!? No way!" Pouting a bit, she admitted, "I-I forgot..." "Well, that's normal, at least for you. Still, I can't complain: at least you're forgetting you don't need to come to work instead of the other way around," the boss said, moving into the store. Claribel followed, habitually raising the blinds over the window, which was plastered with posters advertising some music groups: largely local, but plenty that had gotten East Blue or worldwide renown. Looking around, she saw the walls covered with hooks, many dangling sets of headset TDs, labeled with prices, a good number of them empty and in need of restocking. There were also a few shelves and ground space dedicated to bigger ones and other music players. While the boss went to the back room, Claribel yelled, "I don't want to go home so I'm going to borrow one!" "Again? At least write down which one you took, so... Actually, we got a new shipment last night." A few moments later, the boss came out with a yellow and silver TD headset. Tossing it, Claribel caught it as he suggested, "New 'Shin Grasp'. You're good at making recommendations, so give it a listen before you come in tomorrow." Throwing it over her ears with a smile, Claribel giggled, "Got it!" A bounce in her step, she bolted out the door, out into the town. As she stepped out, she raised her hand, about to start the music, but something came into her head... She'd forgotten to go to work before, but now she was forgetting not to? Why was that? Did it have to do with the reasons she came her in the first place? This was the one and only Loguetown after all. Just as she had begun to dwell on it, her finger tapped the button on her TD, music blasting away her worries in the dawnlight.