I'm sorry I've been gone for so long folks. Semester is done, so expect to see me be much more active and such. [@Savage] Your character is splendid. I love the backstory you created for him and the creative freedom you used. CPT is such a wonderful concept. If you have any other ideas, please lay them on me. I have nothing to complain about for you character so far. Though I didn't list it explicitly, third person is golden for IC. First person definitely works for your backstory however. [@vietmyke] Your character seems to be recycled from the original LoU. I have nothing to comment. Please see yourself out the door. (Joke joke! I need a demolition nut!) [@Zorogami] From my first read, I'm fine with what you have so far for your character. Can you expand upon Lennert's time from joining the service to being transferred to STG? There has to be a stand out factor to have someone be selected for STG. Think of it like this. The normal service carries out perimeter and various traditional duties. The STG ventures out for longer periods of time to disrupt, recon, or establish a beach head for normal military personnel. Both complement each other but perform very different tasks. One requires more ability however. Also, is it safe to assume Lennert's family is dead? If so, please specify. If you want clarification or want ideas and such, just let me know! [@Gunther] The amount of research and time you put into making your character really shows! I loved what I've read so far. Truly. I'll have to do a re-read given that extensive backstory for further comments from me. For your character focus, he'll mainly be operating with the heavy weapons capabilities. Air support is very limited with respect to STG operations. I'm still working on a STG info bracket. Anyway, while air support is available sometimes, STG are expected to perform autonomously except when they rendezvous with friendlies, are awaiting exfiltration, or are in UGC air capable spaces. Just a heads up. When I finish the STG bracket, I think that'll help you and everyone further understand the STG purpose and what they do. Looks good so far though![hr] To those I have yet to get to, I'll respond later tonight. I have to jump ship for right now. I'm hoping to have the roster out by this weekend and kick this off by Sunday or Monday. [b][u]Please don't post your character to the character tab until I or Zhaliora give you the go ahead.[/u][/b] Thanks for being super patient. I love everything I've read so far :)!