Selena was sat in the camp, resting against her usual tree stump. She'd had sentry duty last night, and was understandably tired now, hence her current position. She opened an eye up to see Sacha leaving the camp, her eyes following the girl for a while, before looking down guiltily. [i]'Stop it. She's your leader. Show some damned respect,'[/i] She mentally berated herself. She let out a sigh before standing up, stretching a little. Having laid there for ten minutes, she realised her body simply wasn't ready to fall asleep yet. So she might as well do something, even if that something was just check on some of the supplies. [hr] [@Fionraella] Evelyn let out a grunt as she finally dragged the deer back into the camp, setting it down in the food pile. She'd managed to keep her fur relatively clean, leaving only some blood around her mouth. She quickly cleaned up before shifting back, heading towards Fabine's tent. Things were going relatively steady between them, which was nice. Well, as steady as things could be when dating an egomaniac like Fabine. "I'm back," she said as she entered the tent, a smile on her face. [hr] John was sat outside his tent, watching the small fire he had made as it heated up his food. He'd tried his hand at making soup, the resulting mixture bubbling away in a small pot. It had been bubbling like that for twenty minutes. "Bloody soup," He muttered, "Why did I try to make soup? It always take so damn long to make. No, I couldn't settle for just roasting a pigeon. Fuck's sake." A few minutes passed, the man still staring at the pot. He let out a sigh, waiting for his meal to be done.