[center][img]http://alloyentertainment.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/HU01_CC_Jasper_2698r.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Eric Miller [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: [/b]21 [b]Place of Birth: [/b] Eric was born in Florida, but at a young age his family moved into Harlan Where Eric had relatives his family would stay with as they got back on their feet financially. [b]Sexuality: [/b] Bisexual. [b]Relationship Status: [/b] Eric knows of most people in Harlan, but between living on a property that is set at a decent distance from town and his poor ability to put names to faces it's hard to actually tell he does know who most people are. [b]Occupation: [/b] Self made Carpenter. Selling anything wood made from tables, cabinets, rifle stocks, to small toys. [b]Power: [/b] Eric has the ability to technically hear people's thoughts. He doesn't hear the thoughts as the voices of the people who have them due to peoples accents and languages. But he can definitely get a clear idea of how many people are around him when he is focused. When he is really focused he could potentially even tell what some of the thoughts are saying. [b]Cost of powers use: [/b] The cost is he can never get his ability to stop. He hears thoughts like everyone else hears the environment around them. Even if he had lost hearing all together he would still be able to hear what people were thinking. Only when he is focused and not under heavy pressure can he actually understand what some, if any of the thoughts are. Though most the time he just tries to shut them up. [b]Appearance:[/b] Eric stands just a couple inches under six foot, with an average build to him. With pale skin from being indoors avoiding people all the time, his dark hair sticks out, especially when he lets it grow out. He'll wear goggles over his brown eyes at many points to help block out his vision so he can focus more on what he is hear. His average wear consist of jeans, a T-shirt, and if he plans on being out for long periods of time a jacket with an ample supply of pockets. [b]Skills:[/b] Carpentry: He makes a living out of it, in the house he lives in currently (Or large shed depending how you look at it) he had made most all of the furniture inside. With all the work he does he is able to pay for lights, food, and for the small plot of land his tool she-- House is on. Long guns: Eric grew up around guns, he has a basic understanding of how to handle shotguns and precision rifles. Despite the fact he isn't a professional marksmen he is still a decent shot. Though his experience with handguns consist of Airsoft and once at the shooting range with his Uncle's .38 revolver. Basic Mechanics: He can't fix a car up from scratch, but he can do a pretty good job at keeping something running for as long as mechanically possible. This also is a huge part for trying to make sure he does everything on his own. Electrical workings: Eric has a decent amount of skill in residential electrical engineering. Not only wiring the place he lives in now, but has made it so many components in his home are powered by a bicycle hooks up to a battery array (Of three batteries). Tracking and wilderness survival: Growing up with his uncle around a lot he learned a lot about shooting, fishing, hunting, trapping, and how to not die while stuck in the woods. He rarely uses wilderness survival, but he figures it would be good for long term camping. Or if he had to leave in a hurry. [b]Personality:[/b] Eric likes to view himself as an independent person. He hates asking for help, especially when he believes there is a way he can do it himself. But despite this he is over all a caring person, he would gladly break his code if he was helping someone else (Which in a technical sense would make him a hypocrite but who's checking). Eric is a smart ass, he will purposefully be literal with people to get a cheap laugh, and will point out obvious things to annoy people. It's one way he likes to keep amused, and distracted. He isn't super smart though outside of his engineering fields. Along with being a smart ass, he is a bit of a dumb ass too. SO combine them together, you get just a simple ass. Despite the fact that he tries to avoid people it's hard when he is dependent on making a living off selling things to said people. And despite the fact that he is a more or less caring person and is fairly polite (Expect for the smartassness) he gets very awkward around people he doesn't know, or people who he thinks are up to something. [b]History:[/b] Eric was born near Daytona Florida until he was eight years old, and his parents had lost their jobs. After that point his Uncle Felix had offered his family a place to stay on his farm. Despite the fact that he wasn't in a much better financial state, he had land and his property was paid off. He ended up living in a camper with his parents working on his uncle's farm while his parents went around doing what ever they could to earn money. When he turned 16 he started working at any place that would hire him, making minimum wage with minimal hours. After four years of savings he purchased a small property, put a large shed on it, and started a small business selling odds and ends mostly made of wood. While reusing what seems to be everything so prevent having to buy things as much as possible, he is able to live a more or less comfortable life. Despite the saw dust always on his bed when he finally does sleep. As a parting gift his Uncle gave him an old pickup truck that was... well loves is a good word. Well loved and salvaged for scraps. It took months of work but he was eventually able to get it running so he could work his business better then ever.