[quote=@6slyboy6] [@Cynder] Oh wow. Rough times eh? Look man, you are the GM and I respect that (to a reasonable extent). You have a good RP here, and I mean no offense. Then again, if you can't take a "point of view", then you shouldn't give your own opinion, right? With all due respect, consider this your "be a better human being" lecture. [/quote] Look dude if you're just going to be an asshole and them claim LOL SARCASM 7 posts in like everyone knew just leave. So you give her attitude after she politely asks whats going on, then you bitch when she "shat on you" when she gives you attitude back. Double Standards much? Is this your idea of a joke or something? Because it isn't funny at all if that was your intent, and just makes you out to be an ass. Even if it was sarcasm you pretty much decided to say stupid shit that was confrontational and you never clarify you're joking. Because there wasn't a moment where I could tell it was clear sarcasm because it read like you meant it. With all due respect you're being unnecessarily difficult and an overall dick. All of your posts towards the GM were hostile in nature, and at no point did you actually explain yourself until now, which is fucking stupid, if it was actually sarcasm. Either you were too dense to realize your words make you sound like a prick, or you thought being a prick was funny. Somehow. I'm not sure which is worse.