[@Fubsy] Made some minor edits w Yeti. Nothing Major... [@EveryoneElse] I know we're all supposed to be focusing in on our partnerships, but we're also a team. Anyone interested in getting buddy buddy with Lafayette? [hider=Lafayette York] [Center]Personal Information [img]https://images.cooltext.com/4677999.png[/img][/center] [list] [*][b]Gender:[/b] Male [*][b]Age[/b]: 24 [*][b]Appearance[/b]: Yeti is a tall man with compact build, muscles tautly strung atop of his bones. Unlucky (Or lucky, depending on your tastes) for him, Yeti's face is patchwork of seemingly random parts. The 24 year old has light caramel brown skin, and a semi wide nose. Above that sit a pair of mismatched almond shaped eyes courtesy of his mother. Yeti's left eye is blue and the other brown, thick brows hanging above them. A rat's nest of untameable honey blonde hair rests on his head, uneven in length. He makes sure to keep his bangs out of his line of sight, either by braiding, pinning or tying them back. Yeti maintains a short beard, only because without it, he'd have the face of a 12 year old boy. To make things even worse, he has two piercings. A nasallang piercing and the normal nostril piercing. He usually keeps them as studs, but some occasions he will change them out. [/list] [color=f7941d] [center][b]Background Information[/b][/center][/color] [list] [*][b]History[/b]: - Parents were criminals, with very skewed moral compasses that they passed down onto their children. -Yeti, naturally good natured, developed his own sense of right and wrong as he got older, quickly realizing that his family lived in a dark little bubble. -Parents both worked as blacksmiths, providing weapons to whomever had the money to buy them. Consequently, Yeti grew up familiar with a variety of weapons, primarily, the polearm. -His family was a part of the poorer class in their village, as a teen he often contemplated social hierarchies and the injustices that followed them, the complexities of the law, and what separated beast from man. Such thought made him feel distant from religion, the old and new Gods alike. When he wasn't practicing with his polearm, he was reading. -As Yeti grew into adulthood, thoughts turned to action. Despite being only one man, he did his best to provide his own brand of justice to those who needed it most. The Gods certainly didn't give a damn, but someone had to. Yeti met his bond partner after stealing from the food market. Things escalated into a dangerous chase, the other man nearly lost his life and probably would have if it wasn't for Lafayette. That incident birthed a tentative love-hate relationship and with time, developed into a friendship of sorts. [*][b]Brief Personality[/b]: Relaxed|Quiet|Unpredictable|Contemplative|Creative|Somewhat heartless|Snarky|Sarcastic|Jaded [*][b]Emotional Bond[/b]: Close friendship, speculated to be romantic but hasn't been confirmed or denied. [*][b]Partner[/b]: Kino Tearce [@Fubsy] [/list] [hr] [color=f7941d][center]Combat Information[/center][/color] [list] [*][b]Fighting Style[/b]: Lafayette's style tends to vary depending on the type of enemy they're facing. But most commonly, Kino works to disable or stun their opponents, leaving Lafayette to finish them off. His strength lies in precision, whereas Kino's more of a blunt instrument. [*][b]Equipment[/b]: -Poisonous Herbs -Metal shoulder plates/guards -Extra pair of socks -A baggie of nose jewelry -A few short knives -hair pins -Cloth bandages [*][b]Weaknesses[/b]: -Slightly impulsive -Kino Tearce -Self sacrificial -Empathetic -Obsessive [/list] [color=f7941d][center]Celestial Gear Information[/center][/color] Name: Baby's Breath Type: PoleArm Appearance: Yeti's weapon is designed to--for a lack of a better word--shuck the soft meaty bodies of his enemies out of their shiny shells. Double ended with retractable abilities, the polearm is light enough to used quickly and efficiently but the metal is thick enough not to snap under duress. Reference -> [url]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/21/5e/03/215e03387a15c72f9d4660efeae46cbb.jpg[/url] Function: "Baby Kisses" Absorbs an enemy's drive/motivation after piercing the skin and feeds it back into the wielder in the form of bloodlust. This results in a drastic increase of ferocity. However, if the bloodlust accumulated isn't properly expended, the wielder can experience a loss of control, lapse of morals and of judgement. Last Resort: "Cry Babies." Striking the weapon into the ground as a last resort creates shockwaves of fear. With a two mile radius, these waves take the enemy's fear and uses it against them, increasing it tenfold. If the fear doesn't make their heart stop within minutes of experiencing the waves, they're manually exterminated. Side effects include: Night terrors, internal bleeding, chest pains, extreme fatigue, increase of appetite, and joint weakness. [s]Please consult your doctor before using, especially if you are nursing or pregnant.[/s] [color=f7941d][center]Miscellaneous Information[/center][/color] Height:5'10 Weight: 155 Likes: Flowers, anything sweet, dogs, reading, learning new things, napping, Kino, music, art, acrobatics, justice, equality. Dislikes: Spiders, onions, religion--with a few exceptions, predetermined destinies, social hierarchies/feudal systems/the division of classes, snooping people. Hobbies: -Animal training (Horses, dogs) -Sparring -Debating -uh, napping? -Redistributing wealth -Dealing out Justice Character Theme: Other: There are only two Gods that Lafayette ever prays to, both old Gods. Oh, and he doesn't talk much. [/hider]