The son of a bitch stopped Mattie in mid-jog by stepping swiftly in front of her, almost causing her to barrel straight into him. Luckily she didn't, or else it would have broken her personal code of no contact whatsoever with him. Except of course, that code was broken every time she looked at him. She didn't want photons that had bounced off of Jacob in her [i]immaculate[/i] eyes. "Wait," he'd commanded her, sending a boiling plume of 100% pure concentrated utter rage through her chest. "Morrighan," she heard, "what did you do?" Three mutants in two days. It had been exhausting before. Now she felt as if she could pass out from the fatigue of it. As usual, however, her tiredness simmered back into fury. What the [i]fuck[/i] was going on? Why could no one seem physically capable of telling her [i]anything?[/i] And what had this crazy-ass, felony-committing bitch done do Nicholas? "Oh, [i]I[/i] didn't do anything. But I can show you where he is," said that zero-chill asshole with an annoyingly perfect voice (which Mattie supposed almost made up for just how [i]pasty[/i] this Morrighan character was). Enough. Mattie barged into the room behind Jacob, shoving him aside as she thundered into the room. "Listen up here you fucking dead-looking Twilight-ass motherfucking smug wannabe-vampire only-eats-lettuce probably-anemic twatcustard! I will shove that rock [i]straight[/i] up your bleached, parched, barren [i]cunt[/i] unless you start talking about where the missing son of a bitch Nicholas is within ten God-damned seconds!" Her explosion had sent all the blood to her face, flushing it with a rich red undertone. If she could shoot fire from her hands, she would have done it by now.