[quote=@BeCreative] Paisley understood Sasha's game... The talking, the distancing herself from the target; it was all in an attempt to distract her long enough so she could fire her bow. The Brom smirked widely. Why not humor the girl a little? The outcome of the battle was decided from the moment Paisley got in close range. A little spice to a battle never hurt anyone. "I'm not trying to kill you Sasha. What do you think I am? A heartless lunatic?" She chuckled a little and raised her fists, the dagger- which she was now wielding in a backwards style- still clench in her fist, "I'm simply bored. Can't you help a girl out and fight? I would appreciate it." Sarcasm laced her voice and she chuckled at herself. [/quote] Sacha scoffs at her question. "You are a Brom after all. Paisley correct? From what I know, you're a newer Brom, a fighter? In any case, I know better than you think I do." She pulls her bow from her back. "Sarcasm isn't going to help you here." She quickly replaces her bow and shifts, darting away from the Brom. She circles around a tree and shifts, pulling her bow and an arrow out, aiming at the Brom girl.