[hider= Maximus Xan] Leader of the D.T.R. [u][b]Name:[/b][/u]Maximus Xan [u][b]Nickname:[/b][/u] Members of the D.T.R. :-: [b]X[/b] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 31 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Many, many scars coated over his body and 3 main scars. One on his cheek. A burn mark from when he was younger which goes in a straight line from his cheekbones to the upper right corner of his ear. A mark that looks like it hurts like hell. A mark that says “I’ve been through shit.” Another mark that is on his right arm. It resembles a cursive X, as if someone purposely branded it into him. The third one is on his left arm and it just won’t fade away. A simple mark with no dignifying features even though it goes straight from his pulse to the top, reaching its way around to his right shoulder blade. A well built body, almost resembling a bodybuilder but not enough veins popping out. However, it is very clear that he works out. His height is at exactly [b]7'3" [/b] and weighing [b]267 pounds[/b] with nothing but muscle. He stands like a brick wall and his shoulders always look a bit slumped over, as if he's about to go hulk on someone if they don't watch their back. Something that people notice when they go to shake his hands is that his fingers are never straight. A double jointed curse. He can't get them form an even straight line and instead, the proximal phalanges are always bent inwards towards the other finger beside one. His face isn't specifically intimidating. He always seems to have an expression of boredom. His facial muscles aren't familiar with friendly smiles unless they look as though they are a sarcastic or nasty smirk. However, anger is a facial expression that he is familiar with and everyone knows that he looks like he's about to blow when he's angry. Everyone in his group at least. His aura isn't anything special. In fact, it's only his looks that attract attention. The vibe that he gives off is plain, bored, and determined. Almost always appearing as if he is looking down at the ground even though he is never failing to observe the people around him. His [b]dark brown eyes[/b] always looking, searching for something that may or may not be in view. Maximus has raven black hair which is always combed back with no gel. Realistically speaking, his looks aren't half bad. He's got the looks of a bachelor and nonexistent wrinkles. However, like I said before, his expression is about as bland as it gets and his built body covered in scars is far too intimidating to get that much ladies. His skin color is a nice milk chocolate brown but you can't quite tell what race he is just by looking at him. [u][b]Ethnicity:[/b][/u] Native Hawaiian [u][b]Usual attire:[/b][/u] Maximus almost always has on some sort of hoodie. They never stand out though. Camouflage, dirt brown, or plain ol' black. Never too large and never too big for him. They're always [i]just[/i] right for his size. On his ears, he has black studded earrings and he wears black bracelets daily. Black, black, and more black. It would be easy to have your eyes skim right past him if he weren't so large but that's his goal. Blend in and stay [i]unnoticed.[/i] Under the black and gray boxers are Maximus's jeans and they are usually just his size if not a little tight on him. Not see the outline of his ass tight but tight enough that they won't be falling down anytime soon. He only owns 3 pairs of shoes and they're all the exact same. Same brand, same color. Dark brown with mud covering the soles of them and some on the vamp wing on the shoe which he at least attempts to clean. Summarization? [i]Boring.[/i] [b][u]Relations:[/u][/b] Hatred. As the leader of the D.T.R, it is [i]very[/i] understandable that Maximus has nothing but pure hatred for the Reapers. He uses violence, threats, and sacrifice. His brutality is not to be underestimated. Killing Reapers during the night and the only exception is if they have a child in sight. He [i]never[/i] kills in front of children. Ever. It is his own personal code that he made due to the fact that it was terrible to watch and he doesn't want children to have to go through that. There was only one time when he killed a child Reaper. He was 17 years old and they were 16. Both children. That was a day that he will always see in his dreams as he stabbed him out of anger with the arklain. However, this does not mean that he would treat a human with less violence if they were to anger him. Or if they can be proven to be valuable. The deaths of a few humans are not as important as the death of all reapers. So, sacrifices has been made. However, he only tries to kill reapers. Most of his victims are reapers that seems suspicious or they have an important status and are hiding the fact that they are reapers. Following them until he can strike them out of the blue somewhere alone. At times he will kill many if there are more than 5 reapers in one place. Of course, he does not kill every reaper even though he wants to. He tries to narrow it down to killing only violent reapers. So far, D.T.R. has killed 183 reapers and only 7 humans. 40 reapers were killed in his first massacre. 43 in his second and the rest were spread out at different times. The police has never caught them and the thing is, they don't try very hard and attempting to find the killers. This is because of the unjust system that is treating reapers as if it doesn't matter as much if they are to die. Unfair, yes. But what do you think reality is? [u][b]Physical strength:[/b][/u] 9.2 Maximus isn't to be messed with. He could punch his hand through a brick wall and it would barely hurt him. Since Maximus was younger, he was taught that the world was "kill or kill." What that meant was that losing was unforgivable and you either won or you became a failure. Taught to always look behind his shoulder before he didn't anything rash and to try his best to never, [i]ever[/i] do things out of pure spur of the moment. He has been learning self defense, boxing, and Brazilian Jujitsu since he was younger. However, the only one that he actually ever mastered would be boxing. A champion in his high school days and a murderer in the present. His speed on the other hand is most definitely not her area of expertise and anyone could tell. A decent runner but any fast person could outrun in in a matter of seconds. Maximus has pretty fast reflexes at times but he would much rather sneak attack someone and have them cornered rather than have to chase them down the streets. [u][b]Mental strength:[/b][/u] 5.0 Calculating, cruel, and merciless towards Reapers. If those are strengths- which he would say are- then he's got a good amount of mental strengths. However, his mental state is quite childish and it is rather easy to get him angry. [u][b]Special ability(s):[/b][/u] X-Ray vision:-: Emitting a ray frequency that produces a transparency effect to visually penetrate solid objects or see within objects. When this happens, his dark brown eyes turn a bit brighter. If Maximus chooses to, he has the ability to see through bones and clothing due to his X-Ray vision. However, it only works on human beings which means that anyone he cannot see through is a Reaper. This has been proven very useful for him out in the public when he is dividing the humans and reapers in his mind. Other than humans, the X-ray vision works on [i]very[/i] thin doors. [u][b]Outward and inward personality:[/b][/u] Maximus used to be a quiet boy that didn't talk about his feelings. Always hiding them inside himself with a stoic expression that worried his parents. However, that changed after he turned 10 years old. Now, he is a bipolar halfwit that doesn't know how to control his anger. Rage and fury are two terms that some say he is the definition of. Once he snaps, he takes his anger out by destroying things and using violence. Maximus hasn't upheld his teachings of not doing things that he believes are right at that moment but luckily, there's one thing he is good and and that's making plans. Plans that [i]impact[/i] people whether they're straight up psychopathic or sane. Maximus knows how to accomplish his goals. Of course, everyone fails and he [i]has[/i] completed a mission that was unsuccessful once or twice and that was a night he did not sleep. He has always observed people and objects in his surroundings, quietly and like a creeper. Making sure not to make any eye contact with people that he had no interest in and only wanting to know about what was going on. Maximus is a man that has no filter. He curses often and he doesn’t need permission to do whatever he chooses. A man that doesn’t obey the law and chooses to attempt to create his own by using violence or whatever else he deems necessary at that point. And that does not have very much limits to what he could do. Maximus knows no forgiveness. Forgiveness means to put things behind you: move on. That isn't something that he believes in and it is not something that he wants to believe in. Everyone gets one chance to prove that they are worthy of his small amount of trust. And that is not something that many people receive. When you betray him, even if you have been alongside with him for 10 years, you will still [i]die.[/i] There will be no excuses and no begging for forgiveness. The feeling of pain and betrayal in his heart will fleet quickly, turning into something dark and gruesome. [i]Pure hatred[/i] and the reason for your existence, in his eyes, will vanish. Throughout the years, Maximus has noticed something that he had failed to realize in his life. Everything was the Reapers fault. Everything was their fault and if they had just stayed in the shadows like they were meant to do, nothing bad would have happened in his life. That is his belief. The Reapers are to blame for [i]everything[/i] in his eyes. A premature thought process but it has done wonders in making sure that he barely had any guilt in his body. Maximus is unfamiliar with such a word. [i]Guilt[/i] is for the weak and the weak are left to die. Deep down and hidden in his soul, beneath all the rubbish and detritus is a man that actually [i]wants[/i] to change his ways. He wants to be able to suppress his anger and hatred, living with a smile on his face. He wants to [i]change[/i] and for some reason, he believes that he is slowly doing so. But reality is harsh and the truth is that he is now practically a lost cause. He barely even flinches when he kills a Reaper and he's killed many humans as well. Maximus simply wants to be happy and satisfied with his life but he knows that will never happen. Not as long as he breathes in the cold air that is mixed in with pollution and watches as Reapers and humans cohabit. When he became the leader of the D.T.R, he finally understood his reason for his own existence. To kill the Reapers and make them wish that they had never exposed themselves. Bloodshed, in his eyes, is only a way of life because everyone must die and it is [i]unfair[/i] that they are allowed to send people to their deaths without permission. They are [i]not[/i] god and they are not the chosen ones. Humans are. Humans are the ones that made civilization as it is now. Even if it is practically broken and worthless, humanity is still something that Reapers cannot just barge into. Aliens is what they are in his eyes. Non-understandable creatures with no reason to show themselves out in the open. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Born and raised in Lower Raven, Maximus was the son of a rich couple that were billionaires and the owner of a bank called Raytel. A major bank that had them busy nearly 24/7 with no time for their son. His father was a boisterous and his mother a kind sweetheart with a sharp tongue. Maximus was a 10 year old spoiled brat and his parents hadn't even realized it as they showered him with whatever he desired. However, there was an incident in his supposedly "safe" neighborhood. [i]Reapers.[/i] Maximus was out in the neighborhood, on his way back home with his parents when they were murdered. By a Reaper no less. A mere gunshot was what his parents had received from an unknown man that fled the scene right after. The Reaper came next and unfairly took their souls even though it was not their time. They were at a mere 75% when he absconded with their souls along with all of the money and jewels that they had on them. A murder and a mugging by the people that were supposed to safely take humans souls to the afterlife. It was preposterous. Soon after that, Maximus became more aware of what was going on around him besides his studies and the boring school gossip that held no meaning. The killings were happening all around him and mostly in a place called Grim City. A place where the Reapers roamed and murdered daily. It was unacceptable. They were stronger? They were stronger so all the humans could do was stand back and watch? [i]No.[/i] He would do something about this. He would exterminate the Reapers. And so, 3X2X he created the D.T.R. and recruited a mere 7 members to fight alongside with them. This was after the discovery of arklain which had Maximus feeling the need for this element. An element that would allow him to be equal with the Reapers and kill them. Soon, pulling some strings, he got hold of the arklain and created many weapons out of them. Members started filling in to get rid of the Reapers. It wasn't just him that was against these creatures. It wasn't just him that had lost family members, loved ones, and friends. It was more than 200 people that had been in the same situation as him. The D.T.R. now has about 300 members scattered within Raven and counting. Surely his praents would disapprove of what he is now doing. They would say it is "unjust". However, in his eyes, what was unjust was when his parents were taken from him without a warning and all he could do was stare at the caskets with a blank expressions and tears welling in his eyes. The Reapers are at fault for everything that had gone wrong afterwards. [i]"The shadows was a good place for them. A good place for them to hide. But those days are over. Kill or kill."[/i] -Detailed background information and Why are they in Grim City? Just because? How long have they been there? If they like humans, why?- [u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u] -Maintenance worker/Handyman [u][b]Hobbies and interests:[/b][/u] -Violence, Brazilian jujitsu, boxing, beer, fighting, observing. [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] [color=black][b]Leader of the D.T.R.[/b][/color] [u][b]Theme song: Optional[/b][/u] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e22wjV8HT_I[/youtube] [/hider]