After ensuring the goat would be able to make it back to it's home, the Azure Knight spotted something odd. Two figures, seemingly chasing each other across the rooftops. This screamed adventure to the knight, and forgetting all other businesses she had that day, she leap into action. With speed and acrobatics unheard of from such an armored individual, the Azure Knight was on the rooftops and running towards the two figures. One she could immediately identify as one of the guards of this town (She's been well antiquated with most) but the other one was a very shady looking fellow. Surely he was the evildoer of today. [b]"Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch!"[/B] The Azure Knight moved with frightful speed, as though she was not even wearing armor at all; her footsteps glided over the roof tiles, not even making so much as a scratch. She was still too far away to really do much, but she was certain if she worked in tandem with the guard chasing the hooded person, they could corner him. The Azure Knight tried to cut off the man's path by running ahead of him. There was only so many places he could go, and unless he could fly, there was no where he could go they couldn't.