[center][img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/eb94/f/2015/084/a/6/anime_girl_render_by_neko_buny-d8n357k.png[/img] First Name: Alison Luna Last Name: Reeds Age(14-18): 16 Gender: Female Club (Host or Other): Host Club (Hostess) Type (Cool Type, etc. Only for Host): Computer Type (Hacker/Gamer/Programmer) Special Skills: Luna is a very good hacker and programmer. She knows how to hide her footsteps online and is mysterious by what she does online. Sort of a go to when you want to change your grades the easy way. Odd Habits: She chews on Pixie Sticks...wrapper and all. Likes: Luna loves Pixie Sticks, her laptop which she never goes anywhere without, the darkest colors to make herself seem like a shadow, angering people by making anti-jokes, anti-jokes in general, her DS which is hidden on her in some of the oddest of places, and being a Hostess Dislikes: She hates cooking with a passion, mildly dislikes being outside, she despises gardening, and she really hates having to leave her house Theme Song (Optional): New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco Other: [/center]