[@Phobos] Great! It's a bit late here, but I'll be sure to get up my first reply tomorrow. As for my bankai I'm open to any suggestions you might have, because the abilities are a bit out there. For example, how should Plato's field be? Should it be a soft, permeable membrane one could move in and out of at will, but it would aslo be much harder to destroy as there's not really anything solid to fight against, or should it be hard and unyielding so one cannot simply walk out, but since its something solid someone with enough physical force could crack it, and, if enough damage is done, force the ability to deactivate. Also, what's your opinion on Socrates? Any tips for that? I only ask because I love the idea of two warriors having to fight in their minds, but I'm not really sure if how I described the battle inside the head would work out well. I'm still tweaking it, and will probably get rid of the sword ability since I like the idea of Jynmi's bankai being sort of a brains versus broad type deal. If that makes sense?