I never said anything about Predetermined stuff. I hate predetermined stuff. I simply like that if my character is good at something, and should be able to do something realistically, I don't want a dice roll telling me I've suddenly failed in the worst way possible. I simply like letting things play out as naturally as possible, using dice rolls is the exact opposite of that. It makes things to random and luck-reliant, and I dislike that very much. If my character is good enough to sneak easily by a group of soldiers, it just doesn't make sense for one of them to suddenly see my character because a dice roll said I suddenly fail. Or if I set up a blow that someone shouldn't realistically be able to dodge - like say shooting them in the face at point blank range...how would someone realistically dodge that, even if a dice said they do? Does the gun suddenly not work, despite it being kept in probably excellent condition? But eh, I'm rambling. I'll leave it at that, and if you guys are using dice then I'm just gonna be out probably. Sorry Ash, I do like everything here, it's awesome and right up my alley, but I just can't handle the dice.