Okay, I get that. But why the dice? If the character is obviously unskilled in using a certain skill, then the writer should take that into account in his post and determine whether or not he is skilled enough to use it in it's fullest potential. Likewise, the other party should take that into his characters reaction. Obviously if a novice swordsman is going up against someone better than him, he's likely gonna lose unless the more skilled swordsman slips up in some way. But we don't need dice to tell us that, do we? [quote=@Pacha] The way I see it, RNG just replaces a sadist, making it so we can randomly succeed. [/quote] I see it as the exact opposite, to be honest. RNG makes it so that you just randomly fail things you would otherwise succeed at. Which is bullshit, if your character is supposed to be good at something. There's always a reason for failure, and some mysterious force known as 'luck' shouldn't determine that. ...I should stop now, this isn't getting anyone anywhere. Eh, off to bed with me.