[h1][color=ed1c24][center]Guess Who | The Casual Interest Checks[/center][/color][/h1] Wind, shouting, and gunfire. That was all he could hear. Guess Who looked out the window of a building that stood across from the bridge that seemed to be where the heart of the battle raged. Wrecked shells of K-Bots littered the ground as other residents of Guild City fought off the horde. Unslinging his rifle from his shoulder, he began to fire a hail of pulse fire in their direction. Guess knew he wasn't close enough to really do much damage, but he figured that he could at least distract some of them and take the pressure off his fellow citizens. What the nameless warrior didn't expect was for him to draw as much attention as he did. Suddenly, several Long-Range Variant K-Bots opened fire on his position, their shots taking out the staircase above and below him and leaving him with only one way out. "Thank God for awnings," were the last words he said, before diving out the window and using the canopies above each window to slow his descent. It still wouldn't have been enough to allow him to survive if not for his armor though, reminding Guess yet again how much he really needed to thank the Irish Tree. Replacing his gun with his sword, Guess Who pulled out his bastard sword and charged at the nearest enemy he saw, one of the several Long-Range Variants that had forced him to move from his previous position. The tip of the blade slid easily through his targets visual receptors before he pulled out the handgun holstered to his leg and aimed at the now vulnerable internal systems. "Open wide."