Hours, day in fact, had passed since the undertaking had began, and in spite of how fast the overland movement of beast versus man was - almost as though the wilderness abroad parted before it - there was much, much more left to continue alone all the same. It bode well that while the weather was favorable much progress could be made, but all the same it weighed upon the tremendous form; there was little time to rest, to recover, and the investure of so much divine power in the endeavor only further supported its importance. If time were not of the essence, then this "shadow-among-men" would get as deserved with the course of nature, but the urgency made this impossible. Even to sleep felt as though it cost too much time, no matter its necessity... But the ordained figure, a legendary animal, was not easily swayed. It's dedication to the cause it was born to serve only fed further its resolve and amplified its power yet.