[quote=@Mach2] Final say on whether they're accepted goes to our lovely overlord, Yoshi. With input from Ghost and I. But I like them. :D As for what's been happening and where to start...we're mostly still in the intro phase. Introducing characters, setting up relations and storylines. Badass Deon is at the Spit kicking ass and seducing ladies. Vander is off to go get hella high with the Librarian, whose wife is dealing with his incompetence at running his own gang. Kate, Deon's cousin, has been given huge homework in the form of a massive computer upgrade that needs to be done (or else...dun, dun, duuun...), and has run into Cerberus, a talking robodog. Markus, the big good, is wandering the outer districts without a care in the world. Aaaaaand we're waiting to see what's happening with Cassia, who left us a big cliff-hanger of impending doom on the first post. Feel free to skim the posts. They're a little long, but we aren't too far in yet. That'll probably give you a better idea than me summarising will. And a durian is a fruit. Watermelon-sized spikey brown ball with this yellowish flesh inside. Tastes like....well, I don't know, but it's not good. [/quote] Update: Markus just had a tug-of-war match with a shopping cart in the sewers. It didn't go too well...