[@Marcus XVI] [@Zerofighter] [@manapool1] [@Weird Tales] [@NacNak] [@GingerBoi123] [@Holy Soldier] [@olcharlieboi] ((Ok, here's a post to draw everyone together. Enough of this split party stuff.)) From within Kami's lookout, a powerful powerlevel can be felt. To those on the lookout, they can feel the lookout shake violently, as someone powers up within. To those not on the lookout, it gives a decent indication of where it is, allowing them to go there...and with this level of strength, they really, really should...Also the robot is already dead. Shen had Kenshiro'ed the shit outta him. Dai lay on the table, slowly starting to come to after having passed out from the pain. "Err...just....stitch it back on...I'll be fine.....I've gotten shot and was fine.......But I must admit, that robot was really good at...Disarming me.....hehehehe......oh this hurts...." The clown mumbles, seeming oddly, just tired, rather than in an real pain. Also, the arm would oddly retain some warmth...there's definitely something funny, about this clown. "...That must be the demon. I'll go deal with him myself...Fix my mistake." Apollo says, before turning to his two allies. "Also, I summoned him to kill a freiza clansmen named Frost. He came to my world, and devastated it...I hoped an actual demon would seek his rotten soul, and tear it from him..." Apollo says. "But, apparently, this one had a vendetta so powerful that it drew him to this world via the spell....I was in orbit when he appeared in a fit of rage, and caused my ship to crash..." Apollo starts, before flying towards Kami's lookout. As Frost would be throwing his hissy fit, a hand would find its way to his shoulder. ".....Hello. I think you'd like to know about that power level you're sensing...." A sinister voice begins...as a Zufuzo bot began to speak to the would be emperor of the universe.