[center][color=Gold] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rwHSDVu.png[/img] [h3]Minaru Gazo[/h3][/color] [i]Lionheart[/i] [@J8cob][@Angel Eyes][@Sagittarius] [/center] The night prior, Minaru had been out for a drink at the local pub. Four shots of Sake in, a woman walked in, she had beautiful silver hair, long enough to reach half way down her back, gently brushed out of her face. She was as pretty as the moon, as graceful as a star and with the warm beauty of a summer sunset. She sat down at her own table, alone, ordering a drink from the barmaid. She drank wine. She looked around, finding the usual suspects – the people who had been working on the new wall sitting in one corner, loud as always. Minaru's heart pounded as he got out of his stool, finishing his drink to fill himself with liquid courage before he would head towards her with a swagger in his step. He sat down, swiftly and introduced himself, she recognized him – he was a fairly well known jounin in the city, after all. They talked for a bit till the woman had finished her drink and headed out of the door. *** The next morning, Minaru woke up to his door swining open into his bedroom. The king sized bed he slept in in the middle of the room, as the assistant of the Raikage, Otsumi [b]“Your time to shine has arrived, mister Gold.” [/b] The woman spoke as Minaru grunted, turning in his bed. [color=Gold]”I'm always shining, get out of my house, freaky woman.”[/color] Minaru responded drowsily, as the assistant left – not due to his words, he was sure. As he twirled in bed, the door leading to the bathroom swung open, and the girl from the night before, with the long silver hair walked out. Now, when Minaru had sobered up – he saw she was pretty, sure. But his heart didn't pound, he wasn't feeling faint. He was just feeling tired and hungover when he looked at her. She spoke softly. “Oh, who was that?” She asked curiously. Minaru smiled dryly, sitting up at bed, the sun shining on a few of the scars he had on his chest. [color=Gold]”Mission stuff. It's confidential, would have to kill you if I told you, that sort of thing.” [/color] He said, his tone semi-serious and the woman shuddered. “R-Really?” Minaru laughed. [color=Gold]”Of course not, that'd be crazy! I'm supposed to report to the Raikage's office in 30 minutes, so, I better get dressed.”[/color] He said as the woman pouted, laying down in bed next to him. “Sure you don't wanna stay with me?” Minaru grinned. [color=Gold]”You know I would if I could, [i]love[/i]. Duty calls.”[/color] The young man spoke softly, kissing her forehead, getting dressed in a few minutes, grabbing his clothes that were scattered across the floor, grabbing the woman's clothes, too, laying them gently on the bed. [color=Gold]”Lock up when you leave.”[/color] Minaru spoke, not that he trusted the woman, but he had nothing of value to steal, and even if he did – he could just make enough gold to replace it. Once getting dressed properly, he headed into the kitchen and grabbed himself a protein bar, putting it in his pocket. He turned to the exit, walking when the silver hair vixen walked in his way. “You're not leaving without giving me a kiss, loverboy.” Minaru girnned. [color=Gold]”Fine.”[/color] and gave her a soft kiss on the lips, before lifting her by the waist and putting her down on the side of the door. Turning to the other side, he picked up the three leather straps, hanging them around his shoulders and his waist, putting the sheaths with their swords in the straps. [color=Gold]”See ya, love.”[/color] Minaru spoke, as he exited, heading towards the Raikage's office. On his way there, he murmored on the night past. [color=Gold][i]Inez? No.. Aia? No don't think so.. Irene? No.. Shit, it started with a vowel.”[/i][/color] The young man thought to himself, rubbing his chin trying to recall the name of the young woman he had left in his house, his memory failing him. He soon made his way to the Kage Mansion and grouped up with the other two Jounin. Sutemasu looked like she had been waitning there for ever, with her long, angel-like hair. Truly, she was a specimen all in her own right. Next to her was the.. [i]less[/i] angelic looking son of the Raikage, Hageshi. A senior Jounin Minaru tended to butt heads with quite a lot. The three listened to the talk from the Raikage and Minaru let out a sigh when he was handed his envelope with his teams inside. He was certain he was being punished. As the three were dismissed, Minaru walked next to Hageshi, nudging his elbow into his arm. [color=Gold]”Your mom's hot, dude.”[/color] With a dickish-smirk, Minaru headed out, leaping over the ledge, doing a frontal flip before landing gracefully on the ground, using the body flicker technique to vanish out of sight – not because he minded being seen, he just wanted to get this done with. First on his “to do” list was Hanare. He thought of a dirty joke and chuckled while he walked through the streets, enjoying his breakfast that he had gotten out of his pocket. He soon arrived at Hanare's adress, the Tanpopo residency. It was a nice house, for sure. He was greeted by a servant and shrugged. [color=Gold]”Move. Official Kumogakure business.[/color] the Jounin spoke, the servant nodded, moving out of the way while apologizing. Minaru found his way inside, in a big hallway. [color=Gold]”You mind getting Hanare for me?”[/color] He asked, seeing a bowl with fruit in it in the corner of his eye, grabbing a apple that he put his teeth into. Once the young girl arrived, Minaru grinned. [color=Gold]”Hi there, young lady. My name's Minaru of the Gazo Clan. I'm here on order of the [i]great Raikage[/i] A to collect you for a mission today.”[/color] Minaru spoke, grinning. As the duo walked outside, Minaru looked at the young lady, she was cute. Really cute. Could be trouble. Minaru chewed on the apple again. [color=Gold]”You happen to know where one Aria Aria lives? She's one of your teammates. It'll go faster if we split up to gather the remaining two. And then group up on the training field near the main gate.”[/color] Minaru said, handing the other ninja the address of her would be comrade. He himself would go collect the last one. Kuroba Dango. He lived in an apartment above one of the local sweet stores. His father knew Minaru pretty well – if only because he used to bring dates to the store back when he was too young to drink. That, and he used to hit on Sakura Dango quite a lot. Minaru appeared and talked to his father for a bit, buying a bag of sweets, before asking them about their grandson. [color=Gold]”You mind if I borrow Kuroba for a bit?”[/color] He asked and they shouted down the chunnin from where he was resting. Minaru grinned when the boy came out of the door. [color=Gold]”Hiya. Come with me.”[/color] Minaru spoke, taking his bag of sweets, handing Kuroba's father the money he had in his hand. Once he did, the two headed towards the training field where he had told Hanare to meet them. He and the other boy emerged at about the same time as the girls. He nodded for the chunnins to gather in front of him, as he sat down on a rock, shaking the bag in his hands, trying to find some candy he wanted. He rolled up the top of the bag and tossed it gently into the arms of Hanare. [color=Gold]”Eat, if you want.”[/color] Minaru spoke, a piece of chocolate in his teeth. He shrugged. [color=Gold]”I figured you guys have some clue who I am, and you know each other by name, at least. But, in case you haven't heard – not that you could have – I'm kind of a big deal. My name is Minaru Gazo, I am from the once large Gazo clan from the land of Iron. I'm a Jounin of Kumogakure, I like long walks on the beach, chocolate dipped strawberries and pretty girls.”[/color]He said, looking out over the three sitting in front of him. Grinning slightly at the two girls. [color=Gold]”Now, I was designated to be your.. Leader. I am used to work alone, and I do my best work when I am alone. Therefor, the senseis you had when you were genin, the ones that looked out for you – the ones who'd compromise their lives or even the mission for your lives? Well, that isn't me. We're soldiers, and I will expect you to act that way.”[/color] Minaru spoke, his face emotionless till he cracked into a smile. [color=Gold]”Doesn't mean we can't try to have a little fun.”[/color] He chuckled, pointed at Hanare. [color=Gold]”You, Fairydust, tell us something about yourself, then you two.”[/color]