Dimitri could not quite recall returning to the meeting room, but it had been a rather long day and he had been sober for far too long. Perhaps this was the cause of his brief confusion but in any case, the monk's eyes lit up as his flask appeared on the screen, in all its intricately crafted splendor. the other ones that were displayed meant nothing to him. "Yes there it is! This is my trusty flask! Please tell me it remains intact. I doubt that anyone on earth has the ability to repair such a vessel, but yes, it is very dear to me and I should like to have it returned as soon as possible." the drool practically fell from his mouth as he gazed longingly at the picture on the screen. He glanced around the room, so many people form all walks of life, all here now. What a strange and astonishing event and it seemed at the moment that the residents of earth were just as puzzled as he was. Dimitri's mind drifted back to Temperance, back to his life. In all his years he had never paused to consider that there might be other worlds about. This revelation was truly fascinating and he made a note to himself right in the meeting room, that he would try to keep a log of the events as they unfoldrd on Earth so that he could share the experiences with his friends back on Temperance. The monks countenance fell briefly as he considered the fact that he might never find the way back to Temperance "What information does Trident or Mercy have thus far? Clearly there is a group of fanatics or something working behind the scenes. But this Rift everyone keeps speaking of. I must say, coming from a place where magic is extremely active, even this rift seems far fetched. Powerful forces appear to be at work here." His eyes moved to Rosalind "And you're saying that not one person on Earth has the ability to interpret these symbols found plastered all over that ritual site? Clearly a blood sacrifice was invoked from what I recall of that alter. It just seems strange that not one person is able to read any of those symbols."