[center][img]http://i.imgsafe.org/ecf15ce.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgsafe.org/ee35f98.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent][b][color=ccff33]The Gaia Road[/color][/b][color=cccccc] is considered one of the most common, although it is not in any way [i]easy[/i] to master. Those who are sensitive in any of the five senses can tune to the Gaia Road to borrow strength from the element of earth, whether to reinforce physicality or manipulate the very grounds they walk.[/color] [b][color=00eeef]The Tidal Road[/color][/b][color=cccccc] is only available to those who have sensitive senses of hearing, touch, sight, or taste. Those who dive into this element is one with water and are often fluent with adapting to the situation. They are masters of healing, and may have empathic skills too.[/color] [b][color=ffc40d]The Apollo Road[/color][/b][color=cccccc] is exclusive to those who are hyper aware of hearing, or sight. Fire, being one of the most primal needs to living things across lands, is the element at play here. Some have an uncanny affinity to animals; they are also capable of physically twisting hot air to form mirages.[/color] [b][color=3399ff]The Storm Road[/color][/b][color=cccccc] only opens to those with supernatural hearing. Enhanced speed, hearing the whispers of the wind and cutting materials with a deadly air swipe are some of the few stunts offered to its exclusive Users. Prolific Storm Road Users may even combine their attacks with other elements to create new tactics, although [b]combining Roads disqualifies one's eligibility as King[/b].[/color] [b][color=c1679e]The Infinite Road[/color][/b][color=cccccc] is the ultimate opportunity, where its User controls [i]nothingness[/i] and the non-physical; those with a sixth sense can tap into the void. Only Infinite Road Users can neutralise each other. Its superiority comes with a heavy price: instead of draining willpower that can be recovered, The Infinite Road runs on the User's lifeforce.[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]